Falling Off the Face of the Earth

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

It’s really tough to get work done if you’re an out-of-work web designer or content producer and your only computer breaks.

I learned something about myself last week. If I’m cut off from my three major creative outlets (writing, music, and design), I go a little bit crazy.

I think I first noticed it Tuesday. I got up at my normal time in the morning and sat down at my desk with a spiral-bound notebook where my laptop usually goes. I’m not entirely sure when my handwriting started to look like that of a psychopath, but after two or three pages of scribbling down ideas and lists of things I wanted to accomplish, I had created something that looked like it could be admissable as evidence in a court of law.

Next I moved on to drawing. If I had to put my web design projects on hold until I got my computer back, I’d spend the time drawing. At that moment, I drew robots They started off innocently enough with rectangular heads and recessed headlights for eyes. But each itration became a little more menacing and angry-looking. I drew about a dozen before that started to frighten me, too.

I won’t even go into detail about the noises that came out of me and my guitar when I tried to work on some unfinished songs.

Everyrhing went wrong. My creative process was thrown for a loop. I left my apartment and walked down to the Inner Harbor. Did you know the high school kids like to hang out down there after school? Like, every single high school kid in the greater Baltimore area? I turned around and came back home.

And that was Tuesday.

Then, a few things happened at once. My parents got a great last-minute beach house on the Outer Banks of North Carolina and invited me to come down for this week. The rental company promised free wi-fi. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to get a change of scene, apply for some jobs, knock out a couple freelance projects, and get myself generally back on track. I ordered a netbook that arrived Friday, the same day Apple unexpectedly called to tell me my MacBook Pro was fixed a few days ahead if schefule and ready for me to pick up. Two computers and broadband by the beach? Not making it to SXSW didn’t seem so bad. Good things were happening. I was on track for some serious productivity!

I’m writing this from my phone. The Internet never worked here. They promised a fix by 10:00 am yesterday, then bumped it to 3:00 pm today. Not a problem, I thought. I’ll just go walk on the beach and play with my parents’ dog.

But it’s been colder and rainier here than it’s been back home in Baltimore. So here I am, sitting at a table, catching glimpses of an angry gray ocean through blurry slabs of rain, scribbling in my spiral-bound notebook and drawing robots.

But you know what? I love it. Sure, the weather and lack of Internet are annoying setbacks, but there’s nothing I can do about them. Maybe I’ll grab my camera, bundle up, and take the dog out for a walk anyway. If I’m going to be forced into a mandatory vacation, I should just relax and enjoy it. I can get back to blogging, podcasting, and job hunting next week. The freelance work can wait a few days. Until then, maybe falling off the face of the Earth for a little while is exactly what I need.

I Must Be Getting Bored Because I Made This Today

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009

It started innocently enough. I wanted to eat a banana for lunch. And then I happened to attach a video camera to my computer. And then I happened to start taking pictures. And then I grabbed a Sharpie. What does it all mean? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it’s for future generations to appreciate.

I was going to write music for it, but then I’d really be in crazy shut-in artist territory. I need to go for a walk.

If I don’t get a job soon, I’m afraid there’s going more stuff like this in the future. You’ve been warned.

I Have the Smartest and Coolest Friends

Friday, February 27th, 2009


Being unemployed is weird and tough. It’s like a surprise unpaid vacation (but you don’t go anywhere) and also your health insurance runs out. It’s stressful, especially when I’m not sure what I want to do next.

But with all this free time on my hands, I’ve been able to catch up on my friends’ blogs, podcasts, and other creative endeavors. I can take the time to absorb the things my friends are saying and doing, instead of just skimming over posts like I did when I worked full-time.

As it turns out, I have really creative, smart, funny, perceptive friends. Many of them are much better writers than me. Most are better podcasters and they’re all infinitely more interesting. Also, I’ve discovered that I start my day with the “Friends” folder I’ve created in Google Reader before I hit any news site to catch up on headlines from overnight.

So, in the spirit of the #followfriday meme on Twitter, I’m going to spotlight one of my friends’ sites each Friday. I visit dozens of friends’ sites, so that’s easy material right there! Also, I’ll be able to single-handedly take credit for driving traffic to their sites. Up to–and in some cases including–ten extra visits!

I’ll put up my first post about a smart and cool friend later today.

The Gavin Show #3

Thursday, February 19th, 2009

I woke up at 3:30 this morning as the first bit of panic set in. I was running on a little under four hours of sleep when I recorded, so this episode might not make a whole lot of sense.

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The Gavin Show #2

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

I made it to my second day of unemployment! In this episode, I talk about a new twist in the story of me being let go from work yesterday, how awesome everybody on Twitter is, and why going to Ikea in the middle of the week is cool.

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The Gavin Show #1

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

I lost my job today, joining the 7.6% of Americans that are unemployed. So, now that I have all this free time on my hands, I might as well podcast about it. It’s the longest President’s Day weekend ever!

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