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Posts tagged: baseball

Giving the Orioles Another Chance

August 8, 2010, 1:35 pm | View Comments

This is prob­a­bly fool­ish of me, but I’m giv­ing the Ori­oles another chance.

First, the tough facts. As of last night’s loss to the White Sox, the Ori­oles’ record is 36–74, which puts them at a win per­cent­age of .327. That’s still the worst record in all of Major League Base­ball. The team is 32.5 games back, so even if they won every sin­gle game for the rest of the sea­son, they still wouldn’t stand a chance at get­ting into the play­offs. So, the sea­son is basi­cally over with a lit­tle under two months’ worth of games to go.

It’s been a depress­ing sea­son for Ori­oles fans. Not only had I writ­ten off the team, but I was so dis­gusted with their on-field dis­play and their poor man­age­ment I stopped fol­low­ing base­ball alto­gether. If it hadn’t been for the World Cup, I would have stopped fol­low­ing all sports. (I haven’t ruled that out. I’m still not sure the con­stant heart­break is worth it.)

But there is a glim­mer of light for the future of the Ori­oles, but it’s brief, faint, and ten­u­ous. Last week, under the new man­age­ment of Buck Showal­ter, they swept the Angels and, for the first time in a long while, were able to cel­e­brate a series of wins. They had some great momen­tum, and we saw some­thing we hadn’t seen the Ori­oles do for a long time: They worked as a team, not just as a group of indi­vid­u­als look­ing to up their per­sonal stats.

But, like all good things that hap­pen to the team, the cel­e­bra­tion was short-lived. Maybe it was a fluke. Maybe it was the excite­ment of hav­ing a new man­ager that kick-started them into a string of wins. Maybe it was because the Angels are a middle-of-the-pack team.

Last night, the Birds lost 4–2 in the first game of a series with the White Sox. Despite the fact that the team seems to per­form ter­ri­bly on Sun­days, I’m head­ing to the game this after­noon, pos­si­bly fueled by that fool­ish opti­mism that’s kept me a fan my entire life. Some call it “Ori­oles magic”. But it’s start­ing to feel a lot like an abu­sive rela­tion­ship. I’m going back to the team because this time they’ll be dif­fer­ent! They’ve shown me how much they’ve changed! They won’t let me down any­more. They won’t break my heart.

I don’t know if I’ve com­pletely given up on the team or not. Can I be accused of being a fair-weather fan even though I’ve suf­fered through 15 years of dis­ap­point­ment? Will it be worth it to come back next year for another sea­son? One thing’s for sure: I’m not buy­ing a Sun­day ticket plan again.

I guess I’ll see how things go this after­noon. Lets go O’s. Sigh.

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