Smart and Cool Friends: Kraftmattic
Friday, March 27th, 2009I met Matt Kraft (known in some circles as Krafty, K-Box, K-Rock, Kraft-o-mattic, Kraftmattic, and sometimes Matt) at Salisbury University’s variety show in the fall of 1998. He, along with our good buddy Josh, played in a band called Release, and I had somehow been convinced to act as one of the shows emcees.
A couple weeks later I replaced the guitar player in Release. By the spring, Krafty, Josh and I had re-formed as local legends of late-nineties rock, Three Track Mind. We released one full-length album called Throws Like a Girl (which you can still find on iTunes).
I’ve known this guy for just a shade over a decade. We’ve been through a lot, and he’s one of my best friends. So I was thrilled that he recently started a photo blog called, fittingly, Kraftmattic.
His daily photos are really fun, and his accompanying posts just crack me right the hell up. Recently, he had a photo of portable toilets dangling above a construction site, and in another entry he turned a well-known piece of art into a Kids in the Hall reference. I love him, so go subscribe to his feed!