Related Posts:The Per­seid Meteor Shower Peaks TonightVideo of this morning’s win­ter sol­stice lunar eclipseSTS-133 NASA Twee­t­upThanks, Mom and Dad, for intro­duc­ing me to space

Posts tagged: meteors

Perseid Fail

August 13, 2010, 11:29 am | View Comments

After a line of thun­der­storms blew through the area, it seemed like we’d have a nice clear view of the sky for the Per­seid meteor shower last night.

Then a bunch of stu­pid clouds and haze rolled in and blocked every­thing, even­tu­ally turn­ing into rain. I know because I woke up almost every hour, ran to the win­dow, then went back to bed dis­ap­pointed yet stu­pidly hope­ful that, if I checked back an hour later, the clouds would move out and reveal a spec­tac­u­lar pre-dawn display.

Well that never hap­pened. In fact, the stu­pid, jerky clouds are still hid­ing the sky as I write this, and I’m exhausted from tak­ing a series of one-hour naps. I’m still irra­tionally hope­ful that the weather will clear tonight, despite all weather fore­casts to the contrary. The rest of me wants to make other plans and wait for the Ori­on­ids in October.

Stu­pid clouds.

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By Gavin St. Ours Tags: , , ,

The Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight

August 12, 2010, 3:57 pm | View Comments

The Per­seids, an annual meteor shower, will peak tonight in the north­ern hemi­sphere. Each year, the Earth passes through the debris trail left behind by the Swift-Tuttle comet as it makes its 130-year trip around the sun. At the shower’s peak, there can be as many as 60 mete­ors per hour, so if you have a clear view of the sky tonight, all you need to do is look up. Plus, as an added bonus, there will be a thin cres­cent moon tonight, so that means less moon­light to inter­fere with the meteors.

You’ll see the most mete­ors between mid­night and dawn, since that’s the time of day you’ll be star­ing up through the atmos­phere on the lead­ing side of the Earth as it we pass through and burn up bits of comet dust, but there should be a good show all night. If you’ve never stayed up (or woken up early) to watch a meteor shower, you owe yourself.

I hoped to get a glimpse of some mete­ors this morn­ing, but mother nature decided to bring a line of thun­der­storms through the Bal­ti­more area. Hope­fully the weather will coop­er­ate tonight and early tomor­row morn­ing. If not, I’ll have to wait for the Ori­onid meteor shower in October.

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By Gavin St. Ours Tags: , , ,