Archive of Baltimore
UMBC Heroes
October 11, 2010, 1:51 pm View CommentsHere’s a quick video I put together from behind-the-scenes of the photo shoot for the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s new “Hero” campaign. I think it was a really clever idea and was executed beautifully. If you live in Montgomery County, be sure to check out the giant ads on the side of Montgomery Mall. I’m thinking of taking a road trip down there just to see it.
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Sunrise - April 14
April 14, 2010, 12:53 pm View Comments By Gavin St. Ours Tags:Sunrise - April 13
April 13, 2010, 12:37 pm View Comments By Gavin St. Ours Tags:Sunrise - April 12
April 12, 2010, 12:10 pm View Comments By Gavin St. Ours Tags:Un-Peter Angelos
April 9, 2010, 5:38 pm View CommentsSince he purchased the Baltimore Orioles in 1993, Peter Angelos has become the city’s most-loathed octogenarian. Through nearly 20 seasons of consistent losing records, low game attendance, and managerial missteps, he refuses to release his tyrannical stranglehold and sell the team to someone who, oh I don’t know, could run it well.
Basically, Peter Angelos is Baltimore’s Mr. Burns.
Luckily, Un-Peter Angelos is on Twitter to give us glimpses into what might be going on inside the owner’s head.
Today, much to my delight, Evan from The City That Breeds has an “Opening Day Exclusive” interview with Un-Peter Angelos. We learn so much.
If you could be any animal, what would it be and what other animal would you eat?
A unicorn that eats other unicorns. And I’d have wings too, as to sweep in and capture unsuspecting wingless unicorns from the skies. I think I’d also eat unicorn-flavored Doritos.
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Sunrise - April 9
April 9, 2010, 2:28 pm View CommentsThis morning’s sunrise was rudely obscured by the remnants of last night’s storm. Additionally, it’s 44 degrees, which is 40 degrees cooler than yesterday. Maryland weather is psychotic.
We’re looking at a gorgeous, sunny day in the mid-50s for Opening Day at Camden Yards. And by “we” I mean “the people who are going to the game” because I’m not going to Opening Day this year. I’m going to the game on Sunday which will be even nicer at 72 and sunny. So, in your faces.
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Sunrise - April 8
April 8, 2010, 1:42 pm View CommentsNot a bad sunrise today. It wasn’t as cloudy as yesterday, and there was enough ice in the upper atmosphere to make things a little reflective. The glare on the horizon was insane. Instead of a well-defined sun cresting the trees and buildings, the morning started with a blurry blast of light that my bleary, cranky eyes didn’t appreciate.
It’s interesting to note how far the sunrise has moved to the left (north) along the horizon in a little over a week. Oh, this wobbly planet.
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Sunrise - April 7
April 7, 2010, 1:13 pm View CommentsNow that’s more like it! The sky, possibly motivated by the poor review I gave yesterday’s sunrise, stepped up and produced a gorgeous, fiery display this morning.
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Sunrise - April 6
April 6, 2010, 2:17 pm View CommentsSunrises for the past couple mornings have been disappointing. What’s with the early-morning clouds? It even rained a little as I got ready for work. Now, it’s clear and sunny and we’re headed for temperatures the upper 80s. But this sunrise? Not the sky’s best effort.