Archive of School

The year of adventure continues

October 1, 2010, 12:09 pm | View Comments

2009 was kind of a rough year for every­one. The econ­omy did a swan-dive into an empty pool and a lot of us lost our jobs.

This year, I declared, would be dif­fer­ent. While watch­ing Olympic hockey and a space shut­tle land­ing (I’m a mul­ti­tasker), I could tell this year would be filled with adven­tures. And wow, yes, it sure has. It’s been bet­ter than I had imag­ined, and I feel so lucky to have had so many expe­ri­ences this year. A quick ver­bal montage:

  • Sur­vived the snowpocalypse
  • Played a reunion show with Three Track Mind
  • Turned 30
  • Went to South by Southwest
  • Saw the final (sched­uled) launch of Space Shut­tle Atlantis
  • Went to MaxFunCon
  • Quit an unful­fill­ing job
  • Watched the World Cup
  • Watched fire­works from my roof
  • Met Tom Green
  • Found an amaz­ing new job
  • Started my sec­ond year of grad school

And now it’s Octo­ber. It’s autumn, my favorite sea­son, and I still have a few adven­tures before the year wraps up. Next week­end, I’m bik­ing 100 kilo­me­ters in the Seag­ull Cen­tury. In Novem­ber, I’m one of the lucky ones going to the NASA Tweetup for Space Shut­tle Discovery’s last trip to space. (That’s right: Two shut­tle launches in one year!) A week later I get to see my all-time favorite band, The Posies, play in DC. And then it’s the holidays.

I feel so incred­i­bly lucky. As I write this, I’m sit­ting at the same table where I was back in Feb­ru­ary, day­dream­ing about all these adven­tures. I couldn’t be hap­pier with how every­thing turned out. 2010 has been filled with expe­ri­ences, friends, and fam­ily I wouldn’t trade for anything.

What was your favorite adven­ture of 2010? How do you plan on top­ping it in 2011?

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Introducing "Daily Sunrise"

May 11, 2010, 1:44 pm | View Comments

I enjoy tak­ing pho­tographs of the sun­rise and post­ing them on my site. I’ve heard from some amaz­ing peo­ple who enjoy see­ing them. Dur­ing my last cou­ple weeks of grad school, the sun­rises are the only thing I’ve had time to post.

Well, the semes­ter is over, I’ve got lots of cool stuff planned for this blog, and I’ve decided to move the sun­rises to their very own site. Ladies and gen­tle­men, it is my great plea­sure to announce Daily Sun­rise. I’ve added a col­or­ful link to the side­bar, too.

From now on, that’s where all new sun­rise pho­tos will live. It should make flip­ping through them eas­ier, too.


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The Year of Adventure at home

February 23, 2010, 8:43 pm | View Comments

2010 is going to be packed with trips, global events, new tech­nol­ogy, great sports, and lots of cool stuff I’m sure I don’t even know about yet.

But it all starts right here, at home in Baltimore.

March 6 — My 30th Birthday

I will be 30 years old in less than two weeks.

I just had to see that sen­tence writ­ten out. Granted, this is much more of an adven­ture for me than it is for any­body else, but it’s a big event nonethe­less. Truth­fully, I’m pretty stoked to be enter­ing my thir­ties. It’s like reach­ing a new level, a place where I can take all the things I learned in my twen­ties and apply to a brand-new, awe­some decade. Some peo­ple might call it “grow­ing up”, but I pre­fer my description.

April 9 — Open­ing Day for the Orioles

Another year, another base­ball sea­son for my Bal­ti­more Ori­oles. No, we’re not expect­ing this to be a record-shattering year for the birds. No, most fans aren’t mak­ing plans for the play­offs. Many peo­ple doubt the team will even have a win­ning record. But, sea­son after wretched sea­son, we have Open­ing Day, the day when we all rally behind the Ori­oles, when the slate is wiped clean and a brand-new base­ball sea­son stretches out before the team and the city of Bal­ti­more, they day we halfway expect for all the tum­blers to fall into place, for the team to come together as a cohe­sive unit, and rack up the wins. Even if we lose our opti­mism for every pro­ceed­ing game, even if Cam­den Yards is mostly empty in August, we’ll always have the magic of Open­ing Day.

Grad School

In May, I will fin­ish my first year in the Cre­ative Writ­ing and Pub­lish­ing Arts MFA pro­gram at the Uni­ver­sity of Bal­ti­more. So far, I love this pro­gram. It’s moti­vat­ing me to write more and spark­ing all kinds of great ideas. I’m chan­nel­ing my thoughts and ideas about the future of pub­lish­ing into honest-to-goodness school­work. Plus, I’m sur­rounded by tal­ented and friendly peo­ple who pro­vide a seem­ingly lim­it­less sup­ply of cre­ative fuel.


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