Water Main Break on My Block!

I woke up this morning to weak water pressure in my apartment. Finding that odd but not thinking too much of it, I went on with my Sunday morning. A few minutes later, I checked Twitter and read this message from my friend Sam: “So I heard St. Paul and Calvert Streets are shut down. Broken water main. Hope you guys don’t have floods!”

I popped my head out my back door and saw this:

Sure enough, there was a water main break on Madison Street between St. Paul and North Calvert.

I lucked out. The flood missed my apartment by half a block. Unfortunately, others weren’t so lucky. On the sidewalk, I talked to a woman who parked downhill on Madison last night, and her entire car was flooded by the break this morning. She said she wouldn’t be able to move it or get it towed until they stop the flow of water. Understandably, she was not a happy camper.

According to a BGE employee I spoke with, the water main broke around 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. this morning, and the water is still gushing out of the street as I write this 12 hours later.

Thankfully, we’re having unseasonably warm February weather in Baltimore today. Right now, it’s 63 degrees.

Crews are working on repairing it now, but there’s not a lot they can do while that whole stretch of road is a river. I suspect it will be a while before that stretch of Madison Street re-opens to traffic.

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