Warby Parker has all-star customer service
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A few years ago, I started buying glasses online and haven't looked back since. The prices are far cheaper than what I had found in doctors' offices or eyewear storefronts, and the quality has been just as high. An excellent resource for research and vendor reviews is the blog Glassy Eyes, which turned me on to a couple of great online retailers.
This time, I tried something new and went with a company called Warby Parker, which I first heard of from Put This On. Warby Parker's selection is great and very well-priced at $95. I picked out a pair of frames called Huxley, entered my prescription, and checked out.
Within an hour, I got a phone call from Brian at Warby Parker. He believed I might have made a mistake when entering my prescription because of the huge difference between my right and left eyes (+0.75 sphere and +1.25 cylinder in the right, +5.00 sphere and +1.50 in the left). He said they rarely see a discrepancy that large between eyes, which I can believe. I'm special.
No, I assured him, my left eye is actually that much weaker than my right eye, but thanks for pointing out my shortcomings. (My exact words were, "Thanks for double-checking!") I'd never had a company confirm my prescription before, so I was simultaneously bewildered, embarrassed, and impressed with their swift attention.
Brian emailed me a couple hours later. He said it would cost an additional $30 for the high-index lenses needed. That's a pretty standard charge, and the new total ($125) was still far lower than what it would be at a glasses shop, so I agreed.
A little over a week later, I received a voicemail from Katie at Warby Parker. She apologized for the delay, but they were finally giving up. My prescription was out of their lab's range.
However, In order to apologize for the delay and ultimate inability to fulfill my order, they sent me the the Huxleys for free so I can have the lenses made by another company. A couple days later, the frames arrived via Priority Mail, and they looked fantastic. The hinges felt sturdy, the plastic durable, and they looked sharp on my big head.
Though they weren't able to complete my order, Warby Parker gave me some of the most personal, attentive customer service I've ever encountered. I always felt like someone was handling my prescription with care and that their primary concern was making me happy. I don't remember the last time a company made me feel that way. Swoon.
If you're looking for a pair of glasses, I highly recommend you check them out. Their frames are of excellent quality, and you will have people like Brian and Katie working to make sure your prescription is done right. My only hope is that they can partner with a lab capable of fulfilling stronger prescriptions for those of us with weak eyes.
So, does anybody know a good place that can put lenses into existing frames?
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