I Have the Smartest and Coolest Friends
Being unemployed is weird and tough. It’s like a surprise unpaid vacation (but you don’t go anywhere) and also your health insurance runs out. It’s stressful, especially when I’m not sure what I want to do next.
But with all this free time on my hands, I’ve been able to catch up on my friends’ blogs, podcasts, and other creative endeavors. I can take the time to absorb the things my friends are saying and doing, instead of just skimming over posts like I did when I worked full-time.
As it turns out, I have really creative, smart, funny, perceptive friends. Many of them are much better writers than me. Most are better podcasters and they’re all infinitely more interesting. Also, I’ve discovered that I start my day with the “Friends” folder I’ve created in Google Reader before I hit any news site to catch up on headlines from overnight.
So, in the spirit of the #followfriday meme on Twitter, I’m going to spotlight one of my friends’ sites each Friday. I visit dozens of friends’ sites, so that’s easy material right there! Also, I’ll be able to single-handedly take credit for driving traffic to their sites. Up to–and in some cases including–ten extra visits!
I’ll put up my first post about a smart and cool friend later today.
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